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S.E.E.K. is back this year but in a form of a women's retreat! This year we are hosting our retreat at Stillwood Camp. 

Our Theme this year is: "Love"

"They will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:35)

Love doesn't happen just by us coming to church every Sunday, but it happens through actions. But, how do we love if we are not first fueled by the love God has for us? This retreat is a chance for people to revive our first love fire for God, to encounter God who loves you, and to discover ways to spread that love with practical steps to those around us. 

So join us from May 2-4. Food, accomodation, and transportation will be provided. We will provide you with a list to know and bring upon registration. Early Bird tickets are live on March 9 and the Regular tickets will be launched April 13. The cut off date to register and get your tickets is April 27! If you have trouble with the finance, please make sure to talk to Pastor Golden, or email

Early Bird Prices: $225/ person

Regular Price: $250/ person

We look forward for what God has instore for the women of RPC. See you there!

Get Your tickets HERE!