Focusing On The World

"Focusing on the World" is designed to stir our hearts and deepen our discipleship as we focus on missions and the transformative power of compassionate action, and specifically our personal and direct involvement in
mission as a church.

Throughout this new series, we will embark on a journey that transcends our comfort zones and connects us with the global church’s needs, and how we as Richmond Pentecostal Church can engage with those needs. Each week, we will be inspired and challenged to embody Christ’s love in tangible ways. From hearing powerful testimonies and experiencing the Matthew 25 Challenge, to commission missions, and engaging with the stories of those who have been transformed by mission work, we will see how our church’s actions can make a significant impact.

Join us as we open our eyes to the realities of the world around us, embrace the joy of serving others, and experience the abundant life Jesus promises. Let this series awaken your heart and equip you to live out your faith in profound and impactful ways.